Friday 2 August 2013

Trip to Twin Rocks

On Tuesday, my sisters Emma and Karolina, my parents and I all went to Twin Rocks.  Where is Twin Rocks?  I'm glad you asked.  Twin Rocks is a trailer park off of Lake Kushog.  It is a 20 minute drive from Minden.  Even though we only stayed for 2 nights, it still was the best trip I ever had there.  Why?  Because when I was having dinner on Tuesday evening, a small bird flew into a tree.  I asked what it was, and I found out it was some type of falcon.  A Merlin or a Peregrine Falcon.  At first I thought it was a Peregrine, but it turned out the next day that it was a Merlin.  I'm sure I've seen plenty of them before, but I probably just didn't realize what it was.  Day 1 was the best day, because I saw one fly over my head at an alarming speed and snatch a bird in mid-flight!  I didn't get it on camera, but it was totally awesome to watch!  I was down by the lake on the 2nd day, and one of them swooped between a tree and came so close to me!  As I played Baseball with my cousin Caleb, I could hear them going kee-kee-kee-kee.  I spent all 3 days watching the 5 of them, but that wasn't the only attraction.  As we made our way up to Dorset, a town on the cost of the Lake of Bays, we came to a sudden halt.  A young Buck was trying to cross the street, but ran back to the 2 other Stags he came with when he saw us.  We got some cool photos of them before we scared the 3 of them back into the woods.  Oh yeah!  I can't forget to tell you about the new friend I met!  I had 1 dog friend named November up there from a few years back, and now I have 2!  This was the first year I met Fluffy, a playful little puppy that is only a year-old.   I managed to get him to do a few tricks like to stand up on me, sit and role over.  I petted him and gave him tummy-rubs.  I also went kayaking.  But that wasn't as exciting as the Snapping Turtle we encountered on the way back!  We pulled over and had a good look at it crossing the road.  We got some pictures of that, too.  That ends my trip to Twin Rocks!


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